April 07, 2011

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March 02, 2011

It's beginning to look alot like......Springtime!


So we've had a few days here and there that have been just so beautiful! Like today for instance, it's (almost) 60 degrees and sunny! Now I know all our friends and family back in NC will rub in our faces that it's like 80 degrees already there but we're trying not to think of that!

We have been enjoying the weather best we can. This past weekend we went out for ice cream at Graeter's. Graeter's Ice Cream is the local ice cream joint that everyone in Cincy raves about. It was pretty good ice cream but the great part was that we were able to enjoy it outside. Well for a few minutes at least until the chill set in and we realized that we were cold in the 60 degree weather! We are complete cold bodies! Still, it was a nice sneak peak of what we are in store for this spring.

It seems people aren't hindered by the weather here. They are still out and about all weekend even when it's super cold! But when the weather is nice, there are tons of people running outside, walking their dogs, enjoying the outdoor shopping centers, and exploring the parks.

We are excited to have our family and friends visit this spring for sure! We're going to really be able to get out and explore the town and our neighborhood. I for one can't wait to decorate the back yard and enjoy it all summer long!!

Think Spring for us please! No more flurries!!!

P.S. The daffodils in the yard are already peaking out (Well at least that's what I think they are but I'm not none for my green thumb)!!!! : )

February 11, 2011

Posted Pic!

In the last post I totally forgot to give the meaning behind the photo I added! The picture was taken by one of my wonderfully long arms in Ault Park here in Cincinnati.

It was during or first visit in town on our quest to find the perfect house. The park is huge and has a beautiful grand pavilion. We were told it's a wonderful place for a wedding in the spring and summer. Maybe we'll have to sneak by a few this summer!:)There are overlooks and great walking trails as well!

Hopefully when it warms up we'll be able to experience all it's greatness! Maybe as soon as next week when the temperatures will be in the 50's!!!!! Call me excited about that! Kody and I just may have to have a mommy & puppy park day!!

Happy Friday and hope everyone has a great weekend! : )

February 09, 2011

I'm a Cincinnati slacker!


Yeah, Yeah, Yeah! We've been in Cincinnati for over 2 weeks now and I am just now updating everyone on our progress! My plan was to keep you up to date but sadly I've failed. So hopefully with this post, more will continuously come!

Well here is a short version of our adventures here: We moved out of our apartment, spent a few days at my parents house, took an 8 hour trip with the cat & dog in tow, spent a few nights in a hotel room with 2 pets, finally made it to our house, all our belongings showed up on our truck safe and sound, spent one week unpacking and organizing, Dustin started work and I started as his chauffeur, met a few new friends in town, joined a gym, and have been on a few interviews. Wheeww! I think that's the quickest version of the last few weeks possible!

So far we love our cute little house. Kody is truly in love with his new backyard. We have seen snowflakes at least twice a week! I am still in the honeymoon stage with the snow. Although I am skeptical that this excitement will ever wear off. Dustin is getting the hang of his new job and getting some great bank experience.

I've had time to go out and explore the town. We have a great shopping center right behind our house that has almost anything we could need! Our neighborhood has a "square" which has cute boutiques, local restaurants, and galleries. Every neighborhood close by has a square so we have so many opportunities to explore new restaurants and bars and shops!

I hope to keep everyone updated with what's going on with us here! Let's hope I get better than I have been! ;)